Ceres, Inc.


Brief Description

Ceres, Inc. produced seeds of genetically modified crops used for biofuel production. The biotech company, based in Thousand Oaks, California, with a subsidiary in Brazil called Ceres Sementes do Brasil, operated from 1996 to 2016, when it was acquired by Land O'Lakes. 


  • 1996. Company founded
  • 2016. Company acquired by Land O'Lakes


Robert Fischer, Yeonhee Choi, Van-Dinh Dang, Mary Gehring, Robert Goldberg, Michael Hannon, John Harada, Tetsu Kinoshita, Tomohiro Kiyosue, Linda Margossian, Yukiko Mizukami, Nir Ohad, Jack Okamuro, Ramin Yadegari